Can you feel it already? The tightness in your shoulders? The shortness of breath? The pit in your stomach when you think about your long list of things to do as we lean into December?
We feel it-the inevitable busyness that comes with the holiday season. We feel it-the signals within our bodies telling us to slow down. This time of year can set us on a slow, destructive path if we don’t listen and pay attention. We must listen, pay attention and be deliberate with how we take care of ourselves.
That’s where self-care comes in. We know what you’re thinking. Where do we find the time with our laundry list of to-do’s, parties to attend, presents to wrap? And it might seem counter-intuitive to put aside some time for yourself over the next few weeks, but it’s necessary to remain healthy and sane. By taking time for self-care, you can:
Sounds great, right? But how do we fit it all in?
Easy: We change how we think about self-care. We make it a priority. We deliberately take time to regenerate.
Here’s a few ideas to create a self care ritual this December:
Now’s the time to create a Self Care Ritual and declare your physical, mental and spiritual health as important as that family gathering your adding to your calendar.