This Avocado Toast Recipe is the Sexiest Snack on the Planet!

If avocado toast recipe isn’t in your weekly routine, you are missing out! It’s delicious, healthy and takes only seconds to make. Perfect any time of day, as a meal, or even just a snack.  And if we are being honest, in a perfect (and quite simple) world, we would eat this three times daily with chocolate and peanut butter in between.  

The avocado is a unique fruit that is loaded with heart-healthy fats, fiber and has more potassium than a banana. Don’t believe us? Health Ambition shares the 6 hidden benefits of avacados.  And although nothing beats the classic avocado toast (sprinkle of salt and pepper), our friends at Huffington Post have inspired us to try a few creative combinations to take our avocado toast up a notch!



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